With Thrive Bundle, Brooke sought to curate a bundle that represents the full spectrum of beauty to be found in both nature and our human experience. The fabrics she selected range in color, geometry, and scale as an attempt to appreciate the world around us – and our experience within it – in its stunning, eclectic totality.

Brooke Shankland is the designer and maker behind Eudaimonia Studio, which she founded to join her passions for philosophy and modern quilting.Having picked up sewing in 2016, she was quickly captivated by the many steps of the quilting process, and soon after began creating her own designs.Greek for “human flourishing,” Eudaimonia offers quilt designs inspired by a search to answer the ancient question of what it means to livewell and make the most of life. Through her both academic and personal study of secular philosophies—such as Stoicism, Humanism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, among others—Brooke crafts simple, meaningful designs that are imbued with centuries of wisdom for purpose and true happiness.

Brooke lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her partner and spunky dog, Ace, where they enjoy all the outdoor activities the mountains have to offer. Having studied Economics, Philosophy and Social Enterprise, Brooke genuinely enjoys the multiple dimensions of running a small,creative business and aspires to make an impact through art that focuses on common humanity, mindfulness and well-being.


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Have you read any of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books? He definitely has a way of putting you at ease and thinking differently—more positively—about life. Brooke loves reading his explanation of the lotus and the ways it represents resilience, grace & renewal: the way it flourishes in the mud and murky water, and rises above the muck to meet the sunshine each morning.

And that’s the inspiration behind the Resilience quilt – a free pattern to go with your Thrive bundle.


Resilience Quilt